
Special editions

In addition to the regular UFZ newsletters, there have been 3 editions of the special newsletters „UFZ-Special“ and two editions of „UFZ-Expert“.

Further newsletters can be found in German language:

UmweltPerspektiven in German

UFZ Perspektiven July 2020

Newsletter July 2020

Topics of this issue are:

  • ESSAY: Why the ecosystems of the future must be multifunctional
  • COVER STORY: Experimental ecosystem research meets global change
  • PROJECT: Unterground visit
  • PROJECT: Soil in a generational experiment
  • PORTRAIT: Molecular biology in the field
  • INTERVIEW: Biodiversity is our insurance for the future
  • PORTRAIT: Behind the scenes
  • Map of UFZ research station Bad Lauchstädt

The UFZ Perspektiven from July can be downloaded here as PDF:

UFZ Newsletter July 2020

UFZ Newsletter April 2012

Newsletter April 2012

Topics of this issue are:

  • Natural Capital Germany
  • Auditors in forests and fens
  • INTERVIEW: "We have to make a decision about what kind of economic growth we want"
  • Sustainability in rivers
  • Junior scientist: World traveller with a passion for Leipzig
  • Newsflashes

The UFZ newsletter from April can be downloaded here as PDF:

UFZ Newsletter April 2012 (1.4 MB)